Can You Take A Bike On The Tube? A Londoner’s Account

I moved to London in September 2022 for business school. After getting familiar with the city, soon, I started cycling on my daily commute to the university and back home. However, London weather being what it is, some days, I wouldn’t be able to cycle back home because it’d be raining. That’s the first time I tried to find out by asking someone at the nearest train station “Can you take a bike on the tube?”

Most tube stations in London do not allow people to bring a bike onto the trains unless the bike is foldable. Non-folding bikes are allowed only on certain stretches of the tube network, that too at specific times.

Specific to the tube network, here is a nice map with highlighted stretches which allow you to bring your non-folding bike on, with timings given as well.

Note that the tube is a colloquial term used for the London Underground network, which is what covers most of the intra-city travel network. There are a few Overground stations as well which are interconnected with the Tube network and the larger inter-city rail network. They all have differing rules for bringing your bike, which can be read on the TFL website.

As someone who has been living in the UK for almost half a year, I travel by the tube almost every other day. So far, I have only noticed a few people bring folding bikes on the tube, that too, during non-peak hours. It’s a nice etiquette which most people here seem to follow and if you are new to the city or visiting for a few days with your bicycle, I would advise you to follow it.

Here are a few frequently asked questions, in more detail on the topic of transporting a bike in London, that I have tried my best to answer:

Which Tube Lines Can You Take A Bike On?

Foldable bikes are allowed at all times on all tube lines. The Circle, District and Metropolitan line allow people to bring non-foldable bikes on the entire stretch of these lines except between 7.30-9.30 am and 4 pm-7 pm on weekdays. Other tube lines only allow non-foldable bikes on certain stretches of the line and subject to the time restrictions given above.

Can You Take A Bike On The Train (National Rail) In The UK?

Most inter-city trains in the UK allow people to bring their bikes, with 6 spots per coach for storing a bike. Most people reserve the bike spot while booking their train ticket.

Can You Take An E-Bike On The Train (National Rail) In The UK?

As long as the Electric Bike is the same size as a standard bike, does not exceed 250 watts battery power and does not require a license to operate it, it can be brought on the trains in the UK.

What Types Of Folding Bikes Can You Take On The Tube?

Folding Bike Spotted In A London Pub!

Most folding bikes have similar dimensions, so you don’t have to stress about whether the kind you’re getting will be allowed on the tube or not. Once folded, the bike generally comes upto knee height for the average adult and can be easily picked up in one hand. Folding bikes come in wheel sizes ranging from 16″-27.5″ and generally, smaller wheel sizes will make carrying the bike on the tube more convenient.

Can You Take Your Bike On The Bus In London?

Most bus drivers do not mind if you carry a foldable bike with you, however, are likely to refuse you boarding for bringing a standard non-foldable bike. It depends on how crowded the bus is, and the driver’s discretion.

Shubhankar Chaudhary

Been riding road and hybrid bikes since 2020. Started cycling for the exercise- but stayed in the habit because now, it's a lifestyle!

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