Are Expensive Road Bikes Worth it?

Road bikes come in a range of price bands, from cheaper road bikes costing about $300 to expensive bikes with prices anywhere north of $5000. Does the price differential offer significant differences in ride quality and sturdiness that you ask yourself are expensive road bikes worth it?

Generally, expensive road bikes are worth the price as there is a significant difference in materials used to construct the bike, its size and shape, and the quality of its components. However, this must be seen in the context of the experience of the rider and the primary purpose of the bike.

Differences between expensive road bikes and cheap road bikes

Apart from the obvious difference in price point, the main differences between bikes at a higher price point compared to a lower price point are-

Material and Weight of Road Bikes

Expensive road bikes are made up of sturdier materials like carbon fiber, or titanium. These generally weigh less than 10kg and are very well equipped to absorb vibrations from the ground. The design of these bikes is heavily dependent on aerodynamics and because of their lightweight nature, they are more efficient when converting energy into traction. Cheaper road bikes are generally made of steel or aluminum. They are heavier than carbon fiber bikes and can weigh anywhere between 10-15 kg.

Choice of Components in Road Bikes

#1. Brakes

Cheaper road bikes have caliper brakes or rim brakes. These are brakes that look like tongs over the wheel of your bike. When you press the brake lever, the wire pulls in and closes the calipers which slow down and stops the wheel using friction. This is the most common type of brake that you see installed in bikes used by cyclists who use their bikes to commute or in bikes for kids. A drawback for these brakes is that they are less efficient in braking at high speeds and get worn out over time requiring them to be changed.

Expensive road bikes have different braking systems. Some common braking systems used in more expensive bikes are Cable Actuated Disc Brakes and Hydraulic Disk Brakes. It is now common to see cable-actuated disc brakes in the higher price end of cheap road bikes as they do add some additional cost to the overall price of the bike.

Hydraulic Disc Braking works by using a hydraulic braking fluid that is inserted in the hose that connects the braking lever near the handle to the disc clamps on the wheel. When pressed, the lever pushes the liquid to the clamp which expands and closes around the disc that is attached to the wheel. This system is also used in automobiles and hence demands a higher price.

#2 Gears

Gears are another important aspect that decides the price of the bike. Cheaper bikes use cheaper material in the gear set which is heavier and less durable. These bikes generally come with the 21-gear configuration (3×7) which is now slowly becoming obsolete. Newer, more expensive road bikes come with a 1×12 configuration which is more efficient in transferring power and provides a better gear ratio. They also use high-quality sprockets which are long-lasting. Road Bikes used by professional cyclists also have electronic gear systems which are battery-based and can change gears at the press of a button.

Have you ever asked yourself how expensive is a bike used in Tour de France?

Tour de France bikes are generally constructed at a cost of around $15,000!

Experience of Road Bike Rider

To get the best out of a bike, the experience of the rider is very important. If the rider is new to cycling and does not have some significant miles under their belt, then any bike would be of little difference to them. As you become experienced in riding a road bike, you understand how your body works with the bike and you start increasing your efficiency. A general suggestion is to start getting experience on a cheaper bike and once you have ridden enough to move over to a more expensive bike. A good thing about this strategy is that road bikes do carry a lot of value and don’t depreciate as much as other items so you can expect to make good money when you decide to sell your old bike.

Also, Think- How Do You Intend to Use the Road Bike?

Lastly, it is crucial to buy the right bike for the right purpose. It would be impractical to buy a very expensive road bike to use for commuting to your office. You would not be using your bike’s full potential, it may be prone to more damage- which would subsequently be more expensive to repair and there are higher chances for your bike being stolen. If you need a bike to commute between work and home, you should ideally look at cheaper, more comfortable bikes that are sturdy and get the job done. Having an expensive road bike is definitely worth it when you decide to do long bike rides with other cyclists or as a form of exercise over the weekend, or participate in races.


Q. Are Expensive Road Bikes Faster?

A. If all the variables are assumed to be constant, then a more expensive (read- better quality) road bike will be faster by about 5-10%. This is due to its lightweight construction, better aerodynamics, and better handling.

Q. Why are Road Bikes Expensive?

A. Road bike prices are governed by a few different things. Firstly, expensive road bikes use higher quality materials for construction which is more expensive. The components used in braking and gear systems also add to the cost. Additionally Road bikes also have a large retail markup which pushes the prices further up.

Q. How long do Road Bikes Last?

A. There is no limit to how long a road bike can last if it is given proper care. Expensive Road Bikes with the right care can last up to 30+ years. Individual components may need changing periodically for example brake pads must be changed every 1000 miles, chains should be changed every 2000 miles, and cassettes will last 10,000 miles.

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